Last updated on 19 de mayo de 2021
Para poder desusbcribirse de una lista automáticamente y sin enviar correos ni más leches. Además los mensajes deben incluir dichas cabeceras:
Recipients of newsletters often do not unsubscribe, but instead click the SPAM button in the hope that the newsletters will no longer end up in their mailbox. Being designated as SPAM can, however, endanger your reputation. You should therefore make it as easy as possible for users to unsubscribe in a normal way from newsletters. The list-unsubscribe header can be processed by email clients and mailbox providers. The recipient has the option of unsubscribing directly with a single click from newsletters he or she no longer wants.
One-Click List-Unsubscribe Header with HTTP Link
Este texto está sacado de la FAQ de CSA, una organización que certifica que no eres un spammer asqueroso (y que tienes dinero para pagarles entre otras cosas) pero apunta a algo interesante que desconocía.